Shape shifter

We are not what we show,                            We are what we hide,

Buried deep in the desert of the unconsciousness,                                              My mummie rises at night, 

The clock strikes 12:00,                                    It rages from within, 

 When I look at myself in the mirror, I am astonished at my own powers

How I hide the wolf that comes alive at night,  

To devour the lies, To show itself,                To show my reality,

  Beware Newcomers I am not what you think I am,

I am a shapeshifter!                                           I am a human!

With an Angelic face with an empty heart, I glide through your walls like blood after a gash,   

You won’t see me coming, you won’t even know I am there, but I will be present like the sullen air, 

you breathe me in, you breathe me out,I am in your lungs, never doubt!

I can hurt you from inside, be careful who you open up to, 

Sometimes I like borrowing sheep skin to hide myself, just to lure you in, oh baby you don’t know how deep you are in, but when I strike you won’t be able to survive,

I am a wolf, I am a human! 

Don’t be a fool or you will become my meal, my hunger will feast on your stupidity, 

Don’t forget how hard you scheme after all of the hard work you will still remain a sheep!